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Algae Nutrients - 24 bottles | for 12 months |

Algae Nutrients - 24 bottles | for 12 months |


Grow your microalage with our Algae nutrients!

Reccomended servings : 1 bottle per 15 days. 



1) clean the algae from the tank with dry cloth or paper

2) remove half of the water and fill with tap or mineral 

3) pour the Nutrients inside


Done! The alage multiplies again and again.


* Note:

VODORASLO provides both liquid and dry nutrients for growing algae. To REMOVE 100% plastic packaging we are using mostly dry nutrients in small glass containers so the packaging size is minimum. Do not worry if you recieve sometimes glass one with liquid inside. They work the same.

Algaia Ltd has been supported by "Vitosha Venture Partners Fund l" and "Ïnnovation Capital" AD, a private equity funds, co-financed by the European Structural and Investment Funds under the operational program “Innovation and Competitiveness 2014-2020”, managed by the Fund Manager of Financial Instruments in Bulgaria.

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